Two Rivers Family Health Team (TRFHT), comprised of HealthLink Family Practice and Hespeler Medical Clinic, welcomes and encourages patients living with disabilities to use our services. We strive to provide access to programs and services for patients with disabilities in a way that respects their rights to dignity, independence and integration.
TRFHT is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes and encourages applications from peoples with disabilities.
Two Rivers Family Health Team will consider the individual needs of people with disabilities in delivering service by:
Notice of Temporary Disruption of Services: In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in services, which will affect patients with disabilities, Two Rivers FHT will notify all affected patients. This notice will be clearly posted and will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time and a description of available alternatives, if available.
Feedback Process: Comments on our services are welcomed and appreciated. Feedback can be made verbally to any of our team members or in writing to Two Rivers Family Health Team, B12-350 Conestoga Blvd., Cambridge, Ontario N1R 7L7.
Patients and caregivers are also invited to provide feedback electronically, using the “Resolving Care Concerns” form on our website. This form can be accessed by visiting Please click on the “Contact Us” button, followed by the “Resolving Care Concerns” link to the left of the webpage.
As an equal opportunity employer, accommodations will be available upon request for applicants throughout all stages of the application process.
Workplace Information: Upon request, any information related to the workplace will be provided in an accessible format to any staff member with a disability. This may include but is not limited to:
Employer: The employer is responsible for ensuring all policies and procedures are communicated to all staff in a manner in which is deemed accessible to each employee.
Employee: The employee is encouraged to disclose, in confidence, any accessibility requirements to their direct manager.
Accessible Formats may include but are not limited to: