Breastfeeding exclusively from birth to 6 months, and sustained for up to 2 years and beyond with appropriate complementary feeding, is important for the nutrition, immunological protection, growth and development of infants and toddlers. Breastfeeding also improves maternal health, and supports economic benefits to the family, health care system and workplace.
The Newborn Support Program is a health promotion, disease prevention strategy developed to promote, protect and support breastfeeding. The program provides a comprehensive prenatal breastfeeding assessment, a post discharge from hospital clinic visit, and ongoing support to address breastfeeding problems or concerns with a Board Certified Lactation Consultant. We also provide a variety of classes such as Introduction to Solids Class.
To book an appointment, please call 519-629-3388 ext 1.
Two Rivers Family Health Team is a breastfeeding/chestfeeding friendly facility and as such we have made a commitment to our patients to uphold evidence-based practices around infant feeding. We promote, protect and support breastfeeding/chestfeeding with a written infant feeding policy. We train all our staff on this policy and embed infant feeding practices into each role at our Family Health Team. We provide prenatal education where parents/guardians can make an informed decision around infant feeding practices. We support exclusive breastfeeding/chestfeeding for the first 6 months, with the introduction of nutrient-dense complementary foods, and continued breastfeeding/chestfeeding for up to 2 years and beyond. We provide a welcoming atmosphere to breastfeed/chestfeed, and support breastfeeding/chestfeeding within our Family Health Team and our community.
Breastfeeding Buddies is there to help you meet your breastfeeding or chestfeeding goals. Peer support is an important first step to getting your breastfeeding questions answered in a relatable way.
Breastfeeding Buddies is a volunteer driven program of parents with personal breastfeeding or chestfeeding experience as well as a desire to help you meet #yourbreastfeedinggoals.
Please check out their website for more information,
More Information:
To Register For:
Waterloo Classes call: 519-741-8585
Kitchener Classes call: 519-571-1626
Cambridge Classes call: 519-772-1016
The group is for patients with infants between the ages of 1-3 months of age navigating their fourth trimester.
More Information:
Please call 519-629-3388 x 1 for more information.