New Parent Circle Feedback Form

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The New Parent Circle Feedback Form

Thank you for attending this program. Your feedback is appreciated as we continue to work on growing this program and tailoring it to parents wants and needs. Please use the scale 1-5 to respond to the following questions. Use 1 if you strongly disagree with the question, 3 as neutral, and 5 as strongly agree.

This group helped me to feel more comfortable and confident in the topics discussed?(Required)
There was enough time for open group discussion?(Required)
The Facilitators created a safe and supportive environment for myself and infant to participate?(Required)
I felt comfortable in asking questions and was given knowledgeable answers from the Facilitators?(Required)
Would you be interested in a Postpartum Peer Support Group?(Required)
One of the next programs you will be offered is “Introduction to Solids” (between 3-4 months), what is your preferred delivery mode?(Required)
If we had “guest speakers”, what topics would be of interest to you? (Check any that would be of interest)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.